
The Súria anticline -el Mig-món- (Ebro Basin, deformed foreland)

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In the centre of the Ebro basin are potent saline deposits covered by thick alluvial continental sequences.
Around the upper Eocene, Pyrenees progress tectonically affected areas located almost in this area. Evaporitic deposits acted as detachment level of the upper strata favouring the formation of folds and thrusts. Salts, with their ability to accumulate and ascending flow forming large domes.
The Mig-món anticline is a fold formed by the diapiric rise described above.


Montjuïc hill (Valencia trough)

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Montjuïc  is one of the few outcrops of the Miocene record of Barcelona semi graven.  Corresponds to a coastal  alluvial fan that had the source area in the range of Collserola.
The main bulk of the alluvial fan are detrital material, but the transgressions of the Mediterranean left some very interesting marine wedges. In the port area of goods, a cut that spectacular to watch the entire sequence.
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Petrologia i diagènesi en sediments de l'Oligocè superior i del Miocè inferior i mitjà de la Depressió del Vallès i del Pla de Barcelona. Evolució de l'àrea font i dinàmica dels fluids


Coastal alluvial fan of Sant Lloreç del Munt (Ebro Basin, undeformed cover)

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The Sant Llorenç del Munt massif is constituted by around 1000 m of massive conglomerates. This imposing mass rudites correspond to the proximal facies of a coastal alluvial fan that flows into the Ebro Basin during the Eocene. This alluvial fan is contemporary alluvial fan of Montserrat.
But a transect between the towns of Matadepera amd Manresa is possible observer all facies typical of this type of depositional system (delta plain, coastal plain, delta front, slope, carbonate platform, etc.).  Many outcrops of high value teaching!
In recent years taken on international significance as a place of training for petroleum geologists.
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Estratigrafía secuencial de sistemas deltaicos en cuencas de antepais: ejemplos de Sant Llorenç de Munt, Montserrat y Roda (paleógeno, cuenca de antepaís surpirenaica)


The Puigcercós landslide (Pyrenees, upper mantle)

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This sliding movement is too recent (January in 1881) and hit the old town of Puigcercós (Tremp, Lleida), now abandoned. It is an excellent example of moving mass-transfer complex with rotation and flow. Worth noting its dimensions, and the excellent level of preservation of the typical forms (scar coronation to 200 m, rotating platform and frontal lobe). It is a magnificent example to illustrate how the concepts of hazard, vulnerability and geological risk.
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Barcelona Hills (Catalan Coastal Ranges)

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The hills of Barcelona are located between the Quaternary littoral plain, where the old part of the city was settled, and the Collserola range. In the hills, a succession of Paleozoic rocks affected by a number of tectonic episodes is preserved (Variscan orogeny, Mesozoic extension, Paleogene compression and Neogene extension). The small size of the mappable units is a scientific challenge. Some of the best outcrops are in Park Güell, a good reason for that geologists visited the work of the famous architect Antoni Gaudí.
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Variscan and Alpine structure of the hills of Barcelona: geology in an urban area


Coastal alluvial fan of Montserrat (Ebro Basin, undeformed cover)

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The "core" of the massif of Montserrat is constituted by around 1000 m of massive conglomerates. This imposing mass rudites corresponds to the proximal facies of a coastal alluvial fan that flows into the Ebro Basin during the Eocene. Three It should be noted aspects:

  1. It is a paradigmatic example in the world that allows fine depositional sequences in an alluvial fan.
  2. On a geomorphological feature the impressive forms (monoliths, cliffs...).
  3. It is a place of special historical significance, cultural and spiritual in Catalonia.


Croscat volcano (Ebro Basin, deformed foreland)

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Croscat is one of forty volcanoes Volcanic Area Garrotxa. Special importance that is given by the following facts:

  1. Is the largest strombolian conus in the Iberian Peninsula (160 m high and 800 m in diameter).
  1. Is the youngest volcano in the Iberian Peninsula (the last eruption has only about 11,500 years).
  1. A part of conus was exploited, opening an interesting outcrop which today allows a detailed observation and has a high educational value.
  1. Led to an lava outflow of 20 km2, type aa. About this is the casting of the Jordà beechwood, a most interesting mature forests of Catalonia.

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Guia de la zona volcànica de la Garrotxa