
Coastal alluvial fan of Sant Lloreç del Munt (Ebro Basin, undeformed cover)

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Mostra un mapa més gran In less than 600 charecters
The Sant Llorenç del Munt massif is constituted by around 1000 m of massive conglomerates. This imposing mass rudites correspond to the proximal facies of a coastal alluvial fan that flows into the Ebro Basin during the Eocene. This alluvial fan is contemporary alluvial fan of Montserrat.
But a transect between the towns of Matadepera amd Manresa is possible observer all facies typical of this type of depositional system (delta plain, coastal plain, delta front, slope, carbonate platform, etc.).  Many outcrops of high value teaching!
In recent years taken on international significance as a place of training for petroleum geologists.
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Estratigrafía secuencial de sistemas deltaicos en cuencas de antepais: ejemplos de Sant Llorenç de Munt, Montserrat y Roda (paleógeno, cuenca de antepaís surpirenaica)